Photography and 3D recording

Photos are the media that our online visitors will view first. It is very important that your buyer has a positive experience of the property and that we encourage them to view it live, because you will admit that, regardless of the online presentation, no one has yet bought a property without first inspecting it in real life. Photographing with professional equipment and from ideal positions, we will cover all the key elements of your property. If necessary, we will also take 360 ​​panoramic photos for the purposes of promotion on social networks.
Top quality photos are part of our service and we do not charge our clients extra for them!

The new generation of 3D virtual walk, superior to all other solutions, will present your property in an innovative way. The role of the 3D virtual walk is to enable remote buyers to see your property, but also to filter potential buyers in a positive sense, because buyers who have inspected your property in detail via a 3D virtual walk and then want to see it live are highly motivated buyers.
3D virtual recording is part of our service for exclusive clients (you can be one too) and for them it is included in the price.

Photographing and recording properties from air provides interested parties with a view of the property (especially land) from a different perspective. Of course, an important factor in the final purchase decision is the property's surroundings, and there is no better way to do this than from above.
Aerial photography is part of our service for exclusive clients (you can be one too) and for them it is included in the price.

Estera nekretnine is your agency with which you will reach your goal SAFELY, regardless of whether you are selling or buying a property!